March 23, 2012

Real Property in California

650 Rosewood Court Los Altos, CA 94024

When couples purchase real property they have a number of methods in which they can hold title to such. The following are some of the more common methods for couples to own real estate collectively. Although couples can own real property through a business entity, such as a corporation or LLC, I omitted that section because the vast majority of couples do not purchase real property through a business entity. 

Tenants in Common
Joint Tenancy
Community Property
Community Property with Right of Survivorship
Ownership Restriction
Must be spouses or domestic partners
Must be spouses or domestic partners
How title may be held
(this is how the grantee's name might  be stated on the deed)
John Doe and Jane Doe, as tenants in common
John Doe and Jane, husband and wife, as joint tenants
John Doe and Jane Doe, husband and wife, as their community property
John Doe and Jane Doe, husband and wife, as their community property with right of survivorship
May ownership interests be different
No, must be 
No, must be 50/50
No, must be 50/50
How title is transferred on death
Affidavit of death of a joint tenant
Spousal probate petition
Same as joint tenancy
Notable advantage
Interests need not be equal
Avoids probate
Entire property subject to stepped-up basis
Avoids probate
Notable disadvantage
Subject to probate
Lack of testamentary control
Spousal probate petition
Lack of testamentary control